Thursday, July 1, 2010

Mooortifiying Baby Murder

Never allowed to walk, forced to small confined spaces so their poor young bodies cannot develop properly. Separated from birth these young malnourished calves are not allowed to live life. Confined to keep their bodies from developing any reddish muscular tissue, these tiny crates just measure two feet wide. They are not allowed to turn around, or stretch their limbs or even lie down in comfort. They are kept this way for sixteen weeks until slaughter. Every year approximately one million calves are confined to crates. They are chained by the neck as to constrict any form of movement, and this disgusting confinement makes that meat the veal consumers eat so "tender" since the animals muscles are never allowed to develop.

These poor innocent calves are fed an improper diet that consist of powdered milk replacer, water, vitamin, sulfa drugs, mold inhibitors and antibiotics. So when diners are looking at the menu and think they're ordering that "milk-fed" baby, who was so kindly fed it's mothers milk… they are being misled and lied to. There is research to indicate that the calves that are forced to be confined in such horrid conditions experience "chronic stress" and require five times more medication to keep them alive. This means that the veal meat used from these calves are more likely to contain illegal drug residues.

Aside from the "chronic stress," that the calves suffer they also experience swelling in their joints from being force to lay on barren slate floors which impairs any ability to walk. The reason these floors are kept free of any straw or hay is so it has no chance of munching on the straw to try and get the iron it lacks in its diet. These calves have no chance to develop its four stomachs, and due to the horrid diet they are forced to live upon they develop stomach ulcers and suffer from extreme chronic diarrhea.

Because it has no place to relieve itself other then the barren floor it is forced to lay upon it often is kept in its own feces, and must breath the ammonia gas which causes labored breathing and in desperate attempts to ingest iron a calf may lick his urine off the ground just to try and get the measly iron content it holds. These calves are forced to live in torment, they are then butchered to feed the veal consumers. These poor calves never get to feel the fresh air on their face, or romp in a field of daises. They die without ever getting to walk, or prance around.

A million calves a year suffer through this horrid nightmare, spread the word and let people know what these poor innocents have to endure. Maybe we can start taking a step in the right direction.

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