Thursday, July 1, 2010

BPs Motto "progressive, responsible, innovative and performance driven" all lies.

I have heard a lot about the Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico, but I didn't understand all the details until I dived a little deeper into the actual going ons.

I have heard a lot of people talk about BP's spill simply being an accident, that they didn't mean to allow it to happen. I am here to tell you that this was far from an accident, and simply proof that men hunger for greed more then proper safety measures that require a little bit extra funding.

Where is the proof that this is greed, and not an accident?

Let's see…

BP decided to use a cheaper method of casting steel tubes in the well, a method so unsafe that one of BP's own engineers described it as a "nightmare well" in an e-mail. But instead of addressing the concern and taking the proper measures to ensure that it would be fixed, in general concern for the well being of our environment, they decided to simply ignore it and respond with "It's done, end of story."

"The original rig drilling at the well site for BP had been damaged by Hurricane Ida last November, and the Deepwater Horizon had been brought in to resume the operations. However, by the day well exploded, April 20, the replacement rig was more then 40 days overdue for the next booked drilling - BP was footing a daily overdue fee for the Deepwater Horizon rig of at least $500,000" (read more Here )

That's one reason the rig exploding was not an accident. If you've listened to the news you've heard countless other reasons. Some small snippets of info include how BP committed 96% of all egregious and willful violations (as in they did knowing it's illegal for the sake of money). BP made 58 billion dollars in pure profit last year, but they only spent 29 million on research for safer drilling methods and guess what! They spent $0 on research efforts to improve the response time in case something like the oil spill did occur. That's why they are still using the same floating booms as 30-years ago. (read more Here )

And now their oil spill has become the largest ever in the Gulf of Mexico. The ominous record that underscores the oil giant's dire need to halt the gusher. The oil that's been spewing out for two and a half months from a blown-out well a mile under the sea hit the 140.6 million gallon mar, eclipsing the pervious record setter! How sad is that? (read more Here)

BP also lied about the amounts spilling. On April 24th, they said only 1000 barrels were leaking per day, now we know it's well over 60,000 barrels per day. Maybe they didn't know about the numbers, and didn't mean to lie? Wrong. They knew, and they lied about it. They knew that up to 100,000 could be spilled but they refused to let independent scientist (as in people not working for BP itself) to have access to the data and images to allow them to get a real estimate on the amount being spilled. Those scientist instead had to work with low quality video and images that the government forced them to release, but guess what BP had a HD video all the while and just refused to release it.

Their lies (a difference of 60 times the amount they claimed) not only messed up the cleaning efforts but also the attempts to stop the leak itself. I mean a cap or dome designed for 1000 barrels is not going to work on something that is 60 times the amount. That is why all the efforts and attempts at fixing and cleaning up the mess have failed. And, as far as a I know BP isn't even attempting to stop the leak now. They're simply waiting until the relief well is drilled, but that won't be until a later date 2011 at the latest. That's right, 60,000 barrels (2,500,000 gallons) to 100,000 barrels leaking everyday since April to August, or perhaps even until next year!

Now let's move on to the clean up efforts that are going on. Fishermen out of jobs due to the spill became the BP "cleanup workers" since they have no other choice. But wait, the oil is toxic and statistics from the Exxon Valdes spill showed that the oil fumes can cause serious health issues and can lower one's lifespan by 30 years. It wouldn't be a problem, but despite those statistics and facts, BP refuses to provide the proper safety measurements such as masks and goggles. When questioned as to why the workers were vomiting or complaining of headaches they claimed it was because of food poisoning NOT because they were working over toxic fumes. Well why not just bring their own masks? Well you see, they can't or they will be fired. It's all part of the contract. Well if the workers were to wear mask, it might actually show the public how toxic and dangers the oil really is. So instead of letting the public know the truth, BP would rather risk the lives of their employees. Great! (read moreHere)

Ok now all that aside, BP is also burning LIVE sea turtles on purpose. Not only will they cover the poor wildlife in oil, they'll also burn them alive to save their own hide! It's funny how BP has spent over $50,000,000 on TV ads alone to lie to you about their "environmental responsibility" yet here they are trying to save their ass by burning the evidence. Not to mention when volunteers tried to rescue the turtles they were run off. They have absolutely no interest in saving innocent animals that THEY have endangered.

How sorry is BP for this mess? Well BP CEO Tony Hayward said "I'd like my life back."You know who else would like their life back? The 11 men that died in the explosion, the hundreds of thousands of dead birds, turtles, fish, and dolphins, and all the people in Louisiana, Mississippi and Florida who lost their jobs and way of life. Well once he got flamed for saying such things, he apologized. But, how sorry is he? Well he's sorry enough to be enjoying a Yacht Race off the southern coast of England. (read more Here)

“What is undoubtedly true is that we did not have the tools you would want in your tool-kit,” – Tony Hayward, Bp CEO

Well there you have it folks, the truth behind the BP Oil Spill. BP deserves all the blame for everything that has gone, and the fact they refuse to face the facts and admit they made a mistake is why I will never be buying from BP again.

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