Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Moonageddon :: The Super Moon

On March 19th, be prepared for the moon to be the closest it's ever been to earth since 1993, exactly 356,577 km for all you need-to-know details people out there.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Worst Natural Disaster in Brazil

As of late Saturday, the death toll stood at 558, with the worst-hit towns being Teresopolis, Nova Friburgo and Petropolis. It is estimated that there will be over 1,000 deaths considering in some villages, such as Campo Grande, there were over 2,500 homes and not one was left standing after the floods. It has been estimated that some 14,000 people were forced to flee their homes for safety reasons.

The disaster, which media called the worst tragedy of its kind in Brazil's history, struck Wednesday before dawn, as families were sleeping. Forecasters warn us that the heavy downpours will last into next week and have blamed the unusually wet weather on the La Nina phenomenon which has increased rainfall in southeast Brazil.